We head out to Swansea today as the Harboring series continues... |
This harbor probably had the highest percentage of sailboats I have seen, and I've seen a bunch of harbors. |
Swansea has a wild history for a town of 15,000 souls. They were named after a village in Wales, founded in 1662, burned to the ground in 1675, used to be part of Rehoboth, used to own part of Barrington, RI... |
Yes, Swansea has a border with Rhode Island. They are the far western end of our current coverage area. |
Swansea has some frontage on Mount Hope Bay, as well as the Taunton River and the Cole River. It's not a hot river, it's not a warm river... it's a Cole River. |
Swansea also has a cute little marina that is almost as cute as this cute little bench. |
Grey boats always have a PT-109 look to them. |
All-black works, although I bet it is hard to see at night. Step off the dock into the water by accident, knowwhatimsayin? |
I actually talked to this guy and managed to forget to ask why he didn't name his boat yet. It is being restored, so maybe he is saving the Naming stuff for the end-user consumer. |
I assume that this one is also being restored, the gentleman who I spoke with is in the business. I suppose that one would call restoration/resale something along the lines of boat-flipping, although that sounds Accidentally Ominous. |
I have limited camera skills, but sometimes the boats and the atmosphere handle 95% of the process. |
Very photogenic harbor. |
It was also very sailboat-heavy. |
Cutest boat in the harbor, it looks like how Santa handles island deliveries. |
If you look closely, you can see a very sneaky cormorant plotting against the sailboats. You don't eat much when you plot against small groups of sailboats... but when you do eat, you eat well. |
Uh oh, he's on to me... |
Let's wrap this up with some Boat Names:
Thanks for having us, Swansea! |
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