Saturday, June 3, 2017

Witch Rock In Rochester

Massachusetts has no shortage of strange rocks. Plymouth Rock, Dighton Rock, the Bourne Stone, Sacrifice Rock and several other odd stones dot the landscape around these parts, and we decided to check out one of the cooler ones the other day... Witch Rock, in Rochester.

There are several genesis stories for this rock, which is off of New Bedford Road in Rochester. None of the stories I found matched my own theory, which is that the stone itself looks like a witch face. C'mon, look at the nose... and the Donald Trump hair... OK, let's see what other people say.

Depending on who you ask, Witch Rock's legend stems from either

A) Native Americans shunned the place, as they believed that evil spirits lurked there.


B) Colonial-type Americans hung a witch from a tree near there, and her spirit escaped into the rock.


C) Some guy owned property with a huge boulder on it. He told people that he lived near a big rock. After a thousand times of people asking "Which rock?"... he finally painted it so he could answer with an Abbott & Costello style "Yes."

...and this makes sense

D) Someone thought that it would be cool for Halloween or that it would increase their property value.

The witch hunting hysteria in Salem never really touched colonial Plymouth, and no records exist of any witch-killin' in Rochester.

The locals tell you that you can see all sorts of scary things with this rock. Mist rises from it, you can hear laughter coming from it, it glows during electrical storms, animals won't go near it, etc...

Witch Rock, and Rochester in general, make for a nice road trip. I'll be upfront, though... it's a rock. If you drive a long way to see it, you're going to be in trouble with whoever you talked into going there. This is nothing against Rochester, which is an absolutely beautiful town to drive around in.

We recommend visiting Witch Rock in the fall, when you can combine it with a drive through Rochester's awesome foliage. You want to multi-task in the smaller towns around here.

See the witch face? I can't be alone on this!


  1. i have been trying to see it since i was a child im 61 now and still dont see it lol

  2. I see the witch as an eye. To the right of that looks like another eye. Between the two eyes I see a nose overlapping a mouth. I also see hair on top.


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