Sunday, June 4, 2017

Wind Farm Being Erected On Plymouth/Bourne Border (Archives)

A cranberry bog owner wanted some more revenue, as being one of (or) the largest land owner in Buzzards Bay doesn't pay what it used to.

What to do?

Build four wind turbines on the Bourne edge of your Plymouth property!

Each turbine will stand 492 feet tall, just about the size of the Custom House Tower in Boston. They will be the largest structures south of Boston and east of Hartford. 19 states in the USA do not have a building as tall as these incoming monstrosities. Only 25 states have a building 10 stories higher than this proposed project.

In the 1954 version of Godzilla, Raymond Burr's reporter describes the monster as being "as tall as a thirty story building." Godzilla would need to stand on Bunker Breed's Hill to touch the top of this windmill.

Good luck, guys.
They will blight the landscape. Just look at the bloody things. They look like War Of The Worlds.

This will drive your property values down if you live within sight of these things, even before the eternal VUMP VUMP VUMP of the turbine blades spinning gets factored in.

There have been studies conducted that deny any health risks. This stands in contrast to 40+ health complaints from the far smaller Falmouth turbine. Noise estimates are optimistic, as a turbine in Kingston clocks in at twice as noisy as the studies predicted.

Once they're up, they won't be coming down... but if they do, they will rain debris all over several neighborhoods, and maybe even Route 25. They can also throw ice, and they are pretty much a bird shredder... a sad thing to drop on the Buzzards Bay border.

Here's a video of a turbine killing a buzzard, if you like your irony served heavy.

Future Generation Wind lawyers simply put their heads down and steamrolled through any local's complaints. A guy on Morning Mist Lane, who was holding the Falmouth Board Of Health reports in his hand, was told that he could stop the flicker effect by planting a tree.

Keith Mann presently lives near the property. That may not last, as the new income may allow him to move somewhere without a wind farm on the horizon. I notice that he is doing no cranberry farming at all so far this year, although cranberry farmers start late down on the Cape.

The farm will make about 1700 houses worth of electricity. It will be sold back to Eversource for credits, which Mann will sell to several schools and towns. Due to the fickle nature of wind, it's not going to shut down the oil/gas-fired plant down the road, it will just augment the electricity they're already making. It will not create 5 permanent jobs. It will just make rich people richer.

Bourne residents complained, but Ted Kennedy and the Koch Brothers were barely able to defeat a much more massive Cape Wind nightmare. No Kennedys or Koch Brothers live in Bourne, and Bill Keating (our only resident with any weight behind his voice) lives very far from this beast.

I live near this, so I'm sort of anti-farm right now. I may even be unreasonable. If you feel positively about this project and think I am being unfair, I'll happily give you a page of this website to state your views. Just let me know in the comments, leave an email addy.

The same goes if you are really pissed, and think that I'm lobbing softballs here.

I know Keith a bit, and he's a poor choice for a villain. He's actually a pretty good guy. Remember, this plant may save him from selling his less-profitable-every-year acres of land to some developer who would plant a ghetto there.

I just think the project, uhm, blows.

Plymouth, who signed off on this, could give a f*ck. They're losing that nuclear plant money, and will be begging for revenue soon enough. Mann could probably build one in the middle of Plimoth Plantation if he wished to do so.

Only an isolated Bournehurst village will have to stare at this, especially where Mann sited it right on the Bourne border. No one there wields any political power, either.

Bourne loves it, at least the Town of Bourne does. The parts for this monster will need to move through Bourne, and these cops sit there all day, waiting for one of the two daily allotted deliveries. 4 SUVs, 4 cops, and they close the road when the big pieces run through.

We'll do another piece when they start erecting it. We'll have to sneak by Bourne's Finest to get the pics, but we do what we gotta.

Stealing a quote from Patch, but NIMBY now means "Next It May Be You."

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