Monday, June 5, 2017

Suburban Exploration: Plymouth/Bourne

Gooses (hehe), and Bay Bay Gooses, hanging around the Bournedale herring run.

I don't know how many geese make up a gander, so I use the less-definable "Gooses," which I picked up from a 4 year old.

I was going to chase this turkey up the driveway for a better shot, but "Cranberry County Magazine" isn't an impressive enough publication to avoid being shot by a vigilant homeowner.

Once we got up to the waterfront in Plymouth, our subjects were more willing to stay still. These guys just bobbed a bit.

The benefits of Roof Sailing are that you never get wet, you never get seasick and the sail is more for show than anything else.

Personal Use Lighthouse, off Route 3A

Just in case you thought we were in Duxbury Harbor, straight frontin' on you.... Duxbury was founded in 1637.

I'm so g*ddamned 'Merica, I shot the flag and Plymouth Rock like bang-bang.

Long Beach (in background) seems very small and lightly-populated for something that Snoop Dogg sings about so much. 

Lunch at Mamma Mia, ravioli! I ate so much, it hurt.

The cops got a little strange when I anchored my car to the street with this... OK, maybe I was the strange one.

...or not

The Massachusetts Maritime Academy uses Great Herring Pond for skipper training. They do a lot of slalom sailing on a pond before they let you get your hands on one of the Big Boys.

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