Monday, June 5, 2017

So Many Nature Shots, You May Turn Against Nature And Kick A Puppy


We're emptying our Photobucket onto this website in a blizzard of archives articles. Today, we're doing Nature. This is from the Cape Cod Canal.

Plus-size lobster, courtesy of my friend Tornado up in Maine.

 A baby coyote, from Widow's Walk golf course in Scituate.

Second pic in a row from my man Ghost, this is what I believe is a New London, NH snapping turtle.

A bear paw print (next to the author's size 15 Reebok footprint), White Cliffs Country Club, Cedarville MA, courtesy of Hacksaw and his baby sidekick, Roo.

A couple of ducks or something, Barnstable MA

Buzzards Bay Bluejay

5 rescue cats I took in, Mom (#6) not included. I'm no cat lady, I was doing an Adopt A Pet column for a Cape Cod newspaper, and they had new homes quickly enough. They were all given political names when I had them... Republicat is off to the right, as she's supposed to be. On the left, from bottom to top, are Democat, Romneycat, Obamacat (facing left, of course) and Puffy Cat. Puffy Cat was very puffy, so no other name was going to work. My neighbor, who is conservative, took Obamacat (so named because he has a big O in his flank fur) and renamed it something. Puffy Cat went to my friend's girlfriend, and Democat went to some high school girl that the guy who used to sell me my weed knew. I kept Republicat and her Mom, and Republicat was then renamed Bay Bay Cat.

Bruschi the Bulldog, who hails from Wareham.

Grazing Fields Farm, Bournedale MA

My good ol' Border Collie, the late Sloppy Dogg.

Mid-flight seagull, somewhere on Cape Cod

Powder Point, Duxbury MA

Ten year old picture of a seal sunning himself on Duxbury Beach... just in case the shark stories make you think that the seals are new arrivals.

The author and a Mako Shark he caught.... OK, the author and a Mako Shark that his more manly friend caught and brought into Green Harbor. I'd have slapped the shark once and let him go, personally.  I think the shark was sold to a company in Japan, they got like $500 for him.

did almost catch these gooses, but they gave me the slip. One of the quirks of this website is that the proprietor prefers to say "gooses" rather than the less-cute "geese." 

If you shot them with a potato launcher, you'd have the makings of a pretty good meal here...

"Snake in the grass, I see ya comin'..... from a mile away, I start gunnin'....."

Having a Weymouth black cat cross your path on Halloween is about as bad luck as you can get...

...unless, of course, you end up having a black cat cross your path that same day while you are at the Lizzie Borden house. You people should appreciate the risks that I take to bring you this column.

Once Thanksgiving passes, the turkeys get all cocky and strut around in your yard.

A seagull fighting a nor'easter, Duxbury Beach MA

Horsing around, Middleboro MA

Plimoth Plantation

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