Monday, June 5, 2017

Jack The Stripper, The Butt Naked Beach Bandit Of Plymouth!

Plymouth is living in fear today as police beat the bushes looking for the Butt Naked Bandit!

White Horse Beach was the place to be for fans of nude B&E as a man without pants broke into a pair of homes Sunday night.

A woman woke to find a half-nude man in her living room. She woke up because the man tapped her shoulder. He had also been into the children's room. She was no damsel-in-distress, and witnesses saw her physically pushing the man out of the door.

The man ran away, and witnesses saw him trying to get into another cottage. Police say that he broke into two homes in the neighborhood that night.

This is most likely a guy who got so drunk that he A) lost his pants and B) walked into the wrong home. The alternatives are more ominous, however. No attempts at assault were reported.

Police are urging residents to lock their doors at night, and to be on the lookout for the man.

"Jack The Stripper shouldn't be hard to find," said Plymouth detective Elliot Stabler "He's the nude guy breaking into your house."

"It's funny," said Stabler. "Usually, guys commit the crime, and they're hung after a trial. That's not the case with the Butt Naked Beach Bandit."

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