Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Harboring: Onset

Onset is the star of today's Harboring entry...

I'm a better photographer when I'm not banging away with a Wal-Mart phone, but I go to cooler places with the cheap Asian telecommunication device. A good camera would hate going to me, it'd feel the same way that a car would feel being driven off the lot by an angry, lead-footed drunkard.

"I need a boat to get to my boat!"

People sometimes mistake us for serious press and sail away before we can get a good shot of them.

I rarely get a good shot of anything, to be honest.

This guy, who I think was by himself, is the opposite of that square-footage discussion we have later in the article.

Boat Name Rampage for the next few pics, no moderation.

Two If By Sea... Two 350 Mercs, blogga!

You gotta get that ish into the water, player...

Country Club over Country... sometimes, the political metaphors just hand themselves to you.

A personal use lighthouse/waterfall that was probably made just before they started making ashtrays that look just like it (OK, sans waterfall)... for the love of Mary, they had to build a garden around it.

I sank my only boat, but this one looks like it would be too costly for the square footage. The thing on the front to ram larger boats is pretty cool, however... very Monitor/Merrimack.

The best part is that they can probably afford a better shanty, but they know how cool this one looks.

The flag says SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS, and the demographics on board were like five girls and two guys... two guys who it is impossible to hate.

I love boat names, believe that all boats are female (even the Edmund Fitzgerald), and I love when someone names the boat after his wife or his mom or his daughters. However, single name girl monikers are weak. Does Jane not have a sister or a middle name or something?

All that broad daylight and clear blue sky messes up my pics.

I do better on cloudy days, although I just made Onset into a hill.

Later, Onset!

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